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It's time to join the digital audio conversation

Nine is the clear No.1 in commercial share of streaming for All People 10+.

Our super hosts have their finger on the pulse and are part of the inner circle; hosts who are committed to providing listeners with conversation that sparks opinion, instils trust, and fosters companionship that creates long-lasting relationships with local communities far and wide. We invest in premium content and have access to deep insights that allow us to truly know our audience.

The result? A powerful platform for brands to join the digital audio conversation.


Nine Audio dominates in streaming, right across Australia


Landmark new data released by the commercial radio industry has confirmed Nine Audio connects with audiences right across Australia, with significant dominance in digital streaming. Nine is the clear No.1 in commercial share of streaming for All People 10+, and the No.1 in live audio streaming - double it's nearest competitor in Sydney and Melbourne.

In Sydney, Ben Fordham recorded a commercial share of streaming in Breakfast of 47.5, with Ross and Russ in Melbourne recording a monumental share of 53.0.

Nine Radio’s Head of Content, Greg Byrnes, said: “These are extraordinary streaming numbers, and prove the draw of live and local content is heightened even more in a digital environment. The strength in listening via mobile and web is unprecedented.”

Here’s what you need to know:





Nine Radio
commercial share
of streaming
All People 10+

Nine Radio live streaming DOUBLE
its nearest Network
competitor TSL

streaming share
in 2GB Breakfast

streaming share
in 3AW Breakfast


Commercial share of streaming
All People 10+


Live audio streaming DOUBLE its nearest competitor
2GB & 3AW


Commercial streaming share in 2GB Breakfast


Commercial streaming share in 3AW Breakfast

Source: GfK Radio360 Ratings, SMBP Survey 3 2023, Mon-Sun 5.30am-12MN, Station Share of Selected %, Commercial Only, Streaming Only, All People 10+, Unless Otherwise Specified, Nine Talk Radio- 2GB, 3AW, 4BC or 6PR. Network comparisons, Incl DAB+ Only Stations with Total groupings. 

Nine Audio drives meaningful local connections, talking to the topics, issues, products and services that directly relate to local areas and communities.

Localism is a powerful brand perception and engagement influencer. Local impact with national influence, that’s exactly what Nine Audio offers.

We have a national footprint, and local DNA




Of Australians want to see brands demonstrate they are connected to local communities

Of our listeners are most interested in stories from their town / state

Of Australians want to see brands support local communities through their actions


Of Australians want to see brands demonstrate they are connected to local communities


Of our listeners are most interested in stories from their town / state


Australians want to see brands support local communities through their actions

Source: Neighbourhood Watch, Nine and The Lab Talk Radio Study 2020. 

Our super hosts are part of the inner circle

When listeners choose Nine Audio they are inviting our hosts, their personalities and respected opinions into their inner circle. As a result, our listeners are all ears, engaging in conversation that they consider is like having with a trusted, loyal friend.

As enablers of real change, Nine’s super hosts set the agenda, rallying businesses, government and communities to drive real action.





Listen out of respect/
admiration for the presenter

Listen to feel connected

Listen for humorous
discussion and banter

Of listeners trust our super hosts more than other stations


Listen out of respect/admiration for the presenter


Listen to feel connected


Listen for humorous discussion and banter


Of listeners trust our super hosts more than other stations

Source: Nine and The Lab Talk Radio Study 2020


Your message at the heart of premium content, in context

Across our linear and streamed radio products, Nine Audio offers a plethora of premium content, with a strategy in place that has enhanced our news, sport and opinion offering to include a greater diversity of content than ever before. Content that our listeners lean in to as they engage in the detail, the subject and the conversation.


Contextual relevance makes your message work harder

In moments of receptivity, we know our listeners are primed to engage with your brand story. Contextual relevance ensures your message works even harder as the mood-boosting editorial effect extends into ad break, boosting engagement with your advertising by +30%, delivering an increase of +37% in purchase intent and a +23% uplift in sales effect.

Source: Radiocentre’s ‘Emotional Multiplier’ study & ARF’s contextual alignment study 2020


Unlock our extensive data lead targeting, today

Identity and first-party data is the currency of the future, and scale is everything. We truly know our audiences, with access to deep insights around their listening habits, interests, daily routines and more.

Best of all? We can help your brand create tailored, lasting connections with our listeners by unlocking addressable targeting and powerful data capabilities, today.


It’s time to join the digital conversation with Nine Audio

Enquire today for more information.

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