Love redefined

Married at First Sight is Back


Australia's hearts were pounding with the return of our beloved social experiment, Married at First Sight. This season is promising to deliver unparalleled drama and romance, becoming a cultural sensation and sparking conversation that resonates deeply across Australia.

Unlock the potential of prime-time television today.

MAFS_S11_WEDDINGS_Cassandra and Tristan (22)

Our audience

Head over heels

Season 11 was a blockbuster success across all screens with over 2 million viewers every episode. Each season captivates with its mix of emotional rollercoasters, unexpected twists and heartwarming romances. Its unique blend of reality TV and genuine human connection resonates deeply with viewers, putting it at the heart of Australian culture.  

Source: OzTam (5 City Metro + Regional Combined Panel) Nine Network, 29/01/2024-8/04/2024, Married at First Sight, Average Audience, Total People, Overnight, Timeshift to 7. OzTAM VOD VPM, Rolling 7 Days Cume, Married at First Sight, 30/01/2024 -14/04/2024 v 30/01/2023 -10/04/2023 , includes coviewing on connected tv devices.   


Source: OzTAM Metro TV, 5 City Metro, Consolidated 28 (as at 18/05/2024) CYTD up to 18/05/2024, Total Individuals/P25-54/P16-39/GS+Ch, Nine Network/Seven Network/10 Network, 18:00-23:59:59, Commercial Share. Source: TV MAP OZ Analyser, VOZ Data 5.0 © OzTAM Pty Limited [2023], NATIONAL,01/01/24 - 30/04/24, S-S 0200-2559, Network Nine & Affiliates, Total TV, TV, BVOD, Cumulative Reach by month, When Watched Basis. Roy Morgan Research; people 18+ for the 12 months ending March 2024. OzTAM Live + VOD VPM, CFTA Only & CFTA+SBS+FOXTEL, Weeks 1-20 2024, metric; minutes, includes covieiwng on connected tv devices.  Total Nine Publishing =, AFR, SMH and The Age (Print & Digital), Brisbane Times, WA Today, Good Weekend VIC & NSW, Sunday Life VIC & NSW, AFR Magazine, Fin! Horse Racing Fans = Watched any Horse Racing (Reg or Occasionally)


Spark your next success story

Discover how you can unlock unmissable impact, across our total media platforms.

Say 'I Do' to
Mass Reach

Married at First Sight doesn’t just captivate audiences - it creates viral moments that ignite conversations and drive cultural impact across Australia. For brands, it’s a proven pathway to deeper connections and greater visibility, turning audience engagement into lasting brand love.

Source: Gemba Effectiveness Database 2024

Sponsors saw 70% increase in brand awareness

Sponsors saw 7% point lift in brand consideration

Viewer interest has steadily climbed since 2020 and reached a new high in 2024


Big ideas, for even bigger results

Check out how our partners have leveraged Married at First Sight to grow their business



Learn how HBF achieved an unrivalled share of voice with a unique television commercial that connected with high-value audiences.  

The result?  

27% uplift in consideration  

21% increase in awareness   



Known for their originality, learn how KFC aligned with the show’s celebratory moments to position the brand as the perfect match for such occasions.   

The result?  

75% Recall of KFC ads. 30% higher than the Gemba
broadcast benchmark.

50% Purchased KFC  

Snaffle x MAFS

Snaffle x MAFS

Learn how Snaffle drove conversion by engaging with the MAFS audience through multiple touchpoints across Nine’s ecosystem.   

The result?  

+80% in recall rate  

+20% uplift in consideration 



Learn how HBF achieved an unrivalled share of voice with a unique television commercial that connected with high-value audiences.  

The result?  

27% uplift in consideration  

21% increase in awareness   



Known for their originality, learn how KFC aligned with the show’s celebratory moments to position the brand as the perfect match for such occasions.   

The result?  

75% Recall of KFC ads. 30% higher than the Gemba
broadcast benchmark.

50% Purchased KFC  

More than

Married at First Sight continues to be a ratings powerhouse and is making waves throughout Australia.

Cultural relevance

Highly engaged fanbase

Content integration opportunities

Hear from
our experts

Married at First Sight has once again proven it is the most powerful program on Australian television. With epic storytelling and some of the most riveting characters seen on screen, MAFS sets the blueprint for how a multi-platform program shows the true strength of Free-to-Air.

Hamish Turner
Director of 9Now and Programming  


Ready to find out more? Contact us for information on how your brand can leverage the power of Nine to deliver real business outcomes.

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