Digital creative and trackers
Digital creative and trackers
Uncertified vendors
Nine makes every effort to certify and support industry standard creative and tracking providers. Uncertified vendors may still be accepted on a case by case basis, provided that conditions outlined below are met and agreed to by clients prior to campaign start. In order to maximise compatibility and to minimise reporting discrepancies, Nine strongly recommends that any third party material provided is hosted by reliable, certified vendors.
Refer to Nine ad specs for all creative formats and accepted vendors per format.
Creative formats
- The following creative formats may be accepted from uncertified vendors on a case by case basis:
- Standard display sizes which do not modify the surrounding page
- Standard video files (MP4) to be hosted in our ad server
- The following creative formats will not be accepted from uncertified vendors:
- Rich media display ads capable of modifying the surrounding page
- VPAID video ads capable of modifying the video player and surrounding pages
- All creative provided must meet Nine’s creative specification requirements
- Nine will not provide makegoods for any impression reporting discrepancies when an uncertified provider is used
- Nine reserves the right to remove any non-essential ad server macros from third party redirects or ad tags
- Nine will not make changes to its sites, applications or any other ad rendering environments to support uncertified vendors
Tracking pixels
- Nine will not provide makegoods for any impression reporting discrepancies when an uncertified provider is used
- Nine reserves the right to remove any non-essential ad server macros from third party tracking pixel URLs
- Nine reserves the right to reject any uncertified tracking pixels for any reason
- Nine will not make changes to its sites, applications or any other ad rendering environments to support uncertified vendors